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At The Oratory, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. This means that we have specific procedures and policies (see below) in place. All staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) must ensure that they are aware of these procedures too. If you have a safeguarding concern, please speak to a DSL or contact the school on

In an emergency, you should always call 999 or for urgent matters the Children's Advice and Support Service (CASS) provides a single point of contact for professionals and members of the public who want to access support or raise concerns about a child.

Monday to Thursday: 8:45am to 5:15pm

Friday: 8:45am to 4:15pm

Telephone: 0121 303 1888

Emergency out-of-hours

Telephone: 0121 675 4806

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The Safeguarding Team

Operation Encompass


The Oratory RC Primary and Nursery School is part of West Midlands' Police Operation Encompass. This is the early reporting to school when a child has been exposed to domestic violence or domestic abuse. School can then monitor the child and provide support if necessary.


If you are a victim of domestic abuse or domestic violence or know someone who is, school can provide a wide range of support. If you need further support please contact us.


More information and a link to the Operation Encompass website can be found by clicking on the logo.

Online Safety

At The Oratory RC Primary and Nursery School, we believe that staying safe online is just as important as staying safe in the real world. The internet is a fantastic place to learn, explore, and have fun, but it’s important to use it wisely. We teach our pupils how to make smart choices online, protect their personal information, and know what to do if something doesn’t feel right. By working together—pupils, teachers, and parents—we can create a safe and positive online experience for everyone!


Safeguarding Policies

To read our safeguarding policies, please click on the link which will take you to our Policies Page.  

The Oratory RC Primary & Nursery School

Oliver Road



B16 9ER

Telephone: 0121 454 0600



Mrs. M Lynch, Executive Headteacher

Miss S Ryan, Head of School

Mrs K Hadley, SENDCO
Mrs S Yaman, Administrative Assistant - for enquiries from parents and the public

Please make contact via the school telephone number.

Father David Sprong, Chair of Governors

To write to our Chair of Governors, please send your letter to the school address above and mark the envelope 'confidential'.


For further information about our school, or to request any information in paper format (free of charge), please contact us at school.

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