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School Staff 

Teaching and Learning

Mrs M Lynch - Executive Headteacher

Miss S Ryan - Head of School

Miss K Costello - Assistant Headteacher, EYFS Lead

Mrs k Hadley - SENDCO

Mrs A Glanville - Nursery Teacher

Mrs N D Da-Costa - Reception Teacher

Miss F Goodwin - Year 1 Teacher

Miss G da Silva - Year 2 Teacher

Mrs J Pickup - Year 3 Teacher 

Me H Ellis - Year 4 Teacher

Mr M O'Rourke - Year 5 teacher 

Mr K Barratt - Year 6 Teacher

Mrs K Milligan - HLTA

Mrs G May - Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Hasific-Krid - Teaching Assistant

Mr M LLoyd - Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Coates -Teaching Assistant


Ms J Lowe - Senior Office Manager

Ms S Yaman - Administrative Assistant


Catering (Citiserve)

Mrs P Brady - Cook in charge

Mrs H O'Connor - Kitchen Assistant


Lunchtime Supervision

Mrs E Flanagen - Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs T Butler - Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs M Sehre - Lunchtime Supervisor

Ms J Thomas - Lunchtime Supervisor


Health and Safety, Premises

Mr J Milligan - Building Services Manager


Ms J Missa

Ms E Flanagan

The Oratory RC Primary & Nursery School

Oliver Road



B16 9ER

Telephone: 0121 454 0600



Mrs. M Lynch, Executive Headteacher

Miss S Ryan, Head of School

Mrs K Hadley, SENDCO

Miss J Lowe, Office Manager - for enquiries from parents and the public
Mrs S Yaman, Administrative Assistant - for enquiries from parents and the public

Please make contact via the school telephone number.

Father David Sprong, Chair of Governors

To write to our Chair of Governors, please send your letter to the school address above and mark the envelope 'confidential'.


For further information about our school, or to request any information in paper format (free of charge), please contact us at school.

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